The consumer action blog

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La mode made in France : une rentrée éthique et responsable

À l'approche de la rentrée, nombreuses et nombreux cherchent à renouveler leur garde-robe avec des pièces dans l’air du temps, pratiques et adaptées aux saisons. Mais comment concilier ...

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Consumer actors are taking action, for the better and for the future!

L'Appartement Français, a committed concept store dedicated to made in France, has been supporting consumers for seven years to become consumer-actors, and to become aware of the impact of their...

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From Greenwashing to Frenchwashing: how to distinguish the true from the false in made in France?

After the greenwashing * from the 2000s, make way for french washing in 2022 or how to pass off bladders as lanterns, from made-in-elsewhere for made-in-France! “We are often teased, ladies and gentlemen,...

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The power of labels: how to make informed choices as a consumer?

In addition to our #CheckTesEtiquettes campaign, we suggest you change your habits, oh my, nothing revolutionary let's face it, just slowly take the initiative to read the labels of the...

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Circular vs linear economy: understanding the shift towards sustainability

It's been a long time since we addressed this type of subject on our blog. It's time to look at a crucial topic that we haven't explored in a while...

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Meeting of the organic linen and hemp textile sectors: trip to Normandy

June 15, the sun is out, we leave Paris to reach a little corner of greenery that is dear to us: Normandy. This is where Émilie grew up; there are...

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The flax industry in France: from the sown plant to the finished product

This year again, we went to meet the players in organic linen and hemp, and yes, it was the eighth meeting of the organic linen and hemp textile sectors. For...

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At the heart of manufacturing made in France: visit to the Kiplay workshops in Normandy

Today, we visited the Kiplay manufacturing workshops in Normandy, more precisely in Saint-Pierre d'Entremont, located just 60 km south of Caen. Sun at the zenith, Norman stone houses, cows, small...

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