Our partners

L'Appartement Français has the chance to work hand in hand in a local and caring ecosystem.

The Made in France Boutiques Collective

Formed as an association, the collective of Made in France boutiques now brings together 24 independent multi-brand boutiques. Together, they distribute more than 300 brands from French manufacturers. This collective was created in April 2020 to convey the message of independent distribution specializing in Made in France, an essential link between brands and consumers.

Let's change our consumption habits together now. 26 independent multi-brand boutiques specializing in Made in France, throughout France, are joining forces to face this difficult period, with even more energy.

The Collective's commitment: to continue to bring a national, regional, responsible and united economy to life in our city centers.

Come now, (re)discover an entire virtuous ecosystem of products made in France, which are good for jobs, for the planet, and above all for you: fashion, cosmetics, decoration, tableware, furniture, stationery , jewelry, crafts, etc… Your act of purchasing has real power!

Why buy French?

  • Because every product we buy has a much greater impact than we think.
  • Is he from the other side of the planet?
  • How many resources were used to make it?
  • Under what social, political and health conditions was it manufactured?
  • These are just some of the good questions to ask yourself before taking action.
  • But there is no question of giving up on enjoying yourself and having fun. Quite the contrary.
  • By consuming Made in France, we support sustainable growth that is good for our jobs and we help to keep French heritage and know-how alive.
  • By choosing French production, we save the planet: reduction of the carbon impact due to transport, control of material and energy consumption
  • By purchasing products made in France, we have the guarantee of a fair price allowing fair compensation for all players in the sector, and with respect for employees.
  • By consuming Made in France, we help SMEs and small businesses in our regions to recover from the serious crisis we are going through.
  • By consuming in independent stores, we support the activity of our city centers, an essential link in life and exchange.
  • By moving away from overconsumption, we are going to meet true enthusiasts who can ensure complete traceability of each product and tell the story of each brand.

Where can we buy French?

In one of the independent multi-brand boutiques specializing in Made in France throughout France.
You can support the Collective's stores now.
To do this, find the list of stores on www.collectifboutiquesmif.fr


Since the beginning, FIMIF (Independent Federation of Made in France) is part of the life of L'Appartement Français: advice, expertise, campaigns, rich and caring exchanges punctuate our relationship.

FIMIF 's mission is to mobilize consumers in each region and influence decision-makers in favor of Made in France.

FIMIF publishes guides for consumers: consumer reflexes, reconciling made in France and purchasing power, the sales guide, the guide to school supplies, games, toys, etc. FIMIF also produces studies economic and social.

Did you know that French consumption generates three times more jobs in France than imported consumption?

Did you know that those who mainly consume made in France have a median income identical to that of the average French person?

FIMIF is present at made in France trade fairs, it also organizes conferences and mobilization campaigns and regularly launches petitions to raise awareness among as many people as possible.

Want to know more about FIMIF? www.fimif.fr

The French Card

The French Card is a new means of payment for consuming exclusively made in France products. This is the first multi-brand gift card exclusively dedicated to products made in France.

It can be spent on their network made up of manufacturing or distributing brands , which guarantee that more than 70% of their catalog is made up of products Made in France within the meaning of the Customs Code.

Gastronomy, fashion, home, sport, children, cosmetics, tech : For all occasions and for all prices, there is necessarily Made in France for you.
Since day one, L'Appartement Français has been a partner and accepts the Carte Française both in physical stores and on its e-commerce site.
Want to know more about La Carte Française? www.lacartefrancaise.fr

The Ile-de-France region

As part of the ecological transition, the Ile-de-France Region supports L'Appartement Français.

Thanks again to them.

Find all the news from the Ile-de-France Region here https://www.iledefrance.fr/